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Heungkong Lightbringer
The Heungkong Lightbringer is a philanthropy program for assisting the aged in rehabilitating their eyesight, which is a collaborative effort between the Heungkong Charitable Foundation and the China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped. At present, China has become the country with the largest elderly population in the world and one of the countries with fastest growth of aging population, and there are still a large number of elderly people with cataracts in poor areas of central and western China who do not have access to cataract surgeries in a timely manner for financial reasons.
In October 2015, the Heungkong Charitable Foundation donated RMB 1 million to the China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped to formally launch the first phase of the Heungkong Lightbringer project, which funded 1,000 cases of impoverished cataract patients to take free eyesight rehabilitation surgery. Project vision: bring light to the blind in poverty
Project mission:
to bring happiness to one family and drive the development of one area by offering surgery to one person
cataract patients who cannot afford the cost of treatment due to financial difficulties
Project goals and recent developments:
In early 2016, the first phase of the Heungkong Lightbringer was successfully launched in Jiangxi province after initial preparations of the project, and nearly a thousand impoverished cataract patients were freed from the darkness and returned to the bright world as a result of free clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment by doctors from hospitals and the Heungkong Wellness Valley. After that, the Heungkong Lightbringer also went into cataract-prone place in Guangdong and other provinces, benefiting impoverished patients.